Say When

How much is enough? How much stuff does it take?

Back in the day, as kids, we were encouraged to say “when” as mum portioned out home cooking on our dinner plate. Ostensibly an exercise to teach us brats how much is enough to satisfy our appetites and by extension our appetite for all things desirable. For stuff.

Select an appropriate amount. Don’t take too much. It is not acceptable to leave food on your plate. Excess will not be tolerated. There are starving children somewhere in remote and terribly arid countries.

Our parents embraced austerity. Rationing was familiar. Too much of a good thing made one bloated. Made one Poopy.

Simpler times. Times of durable goods and permanence. Gold standard times. Times when every town had an appliance repair shop because stuff wasn’t cheap. Stuff wasn’t disposable.

We forget.

Times before Amazon, Wish, and Alibaba. Times even before the Shopping Channel.

Look it up. #LestWeForget

Point is, when was the last time you bought an item knowing you will need to update your last will and testament?

The overwhelming amount of stuff purchased today will eventually need to be replaced because of built-in obsolescence or it is simply easier and cheaper to replace said purchase rather than invoking its meaningless lifetime guarantee.

That is an overwhelming amount of fodder for the landfill.

We’re killing our planet with useless stuff.

Say When.






Garlic Scape Salt


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