Garlic Scape Salt

After relocating to the Similkameen Valley in 2009, one of the first things farmersdotter did was to invent the Original Garlic Scape Salt.

We’re often questioned on how we make it.

The Original Garlic Scape Salt provides the farm with a much needed value added income and we appreciate your support.

So without giving away too many secrets we think it important to address such questions.

Garlic Scapes

Garlic Scapes

To that end here is a simple home process one could try*;

  • Add fresh garlic scapes with a good quality salt and combine.

  • Dehydrate.

  • Store in an air tight container.

*Farmersdotter Organics will not be responsible for your stomach ache nor your hospital stay because you didn’t do your own due diligence to research best practice methods of food preparation and storage on this or any other recipe contain herein. Ha! It’s on you bitch!

Moving on.

farmersdotter perfected the recipe once we had immediate access to abundant fresh garlic scape and the most amazing wood-fired oven which brings forth the unique flavour compounds of the Original Garlic Scape Salt .

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farmersdotter wood-fired Oven

Garlic Scapes are the living flower stalk of the garlic plant and like most veggies, garlic scapes are best used fresh.

Remove the scape from the garlic plant about the time the scape develops a curl. This will happen a few weeks before garlic harvest which is also the optimal window of opportunity to purchasing them.

If the scape remains too long on the garlic plant there is no avoiding it straightening out, thus becoming too stiff and desiccated for use. Once this happens the scapes are consigned to the compost bin.



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