Attachments Extra

We agreed upon a purchase price for the as-is-where-is-money-pit-of-a-farm from, as it turned out, an eccentric grifter. This was Spring 2012.

What we hadn’t fully anticipated was Grifter’s à la carte approach to the arrangement.

“Ahhh look, if ya wanna farm, yeah, ya gonna need a tractor. Ahhh look, there’s one over there, yeah. See it? It’s for sale… Ya might want the bed former too”

Attachments extra.

Massey with not-too-safe attachment

“Ahhh look. If ya wanna farm garlic, cause it’s a garlic farm, then ya gonna need garlic seed, yeah? Takes about 3000 pounds I reckon. I got some of that. You can have it for… $12.00 a pound.”

Garlic Seed

Got to get that shit in writing.

We had to endure these protracted negotiations for a time as we idiotically agreed to let Grifter squat on the property until their exit plans came to term.

I’ll give you an exit.

And so it went.


Farm Pets


Garlic Scape Salt